咪架Mic Stand,專喇叭架,專業AV線,放大器TVBooste,喇叭架,大聲公Loudhail,夜視鏡NightVis,LCD TV 架,Microphone
HING LEE ELECTRONICS COMPANY is NOT using this web site as an online store. We
use it to display our product ONLY
Hing Lee Electronics Company is the most trusted consumer end product specialty
retailer. We are dedicated to supply the following products:
1. Educational AV Equipment
2. Microphones and Wireless Microphones
3. Microphone stand
4. LCD & TV Mounts
5. Speaker Mounts and Stand
6. Batteries and Adaptors
7. Antennas and Amplifier
8. Wire and Cable
9. Tools
10. Testing Equipment
11. Speaker and Crossover
12. Megaphones
13. Security Alarm and Equipment
14. MP3, CD, VCD, DVD Player
15. Binocular and Telescopes
16. Calculator
Call us for more information: 852-26963396